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Parsha of the Week

 Questions and Answers

1) Why is the 1st part of the Haggada in Aramaic? 
    Because in   מגיד (Reciting of the Passover story) in the Haggada it says “All who are hungry let them come and eat”, we didn’t want the Egyptians to “come and eat”.

2) Why on the day of our freedom do we have to admit that we were a slave at one point?
If we admit that we were slaves at one point then we will feel more free because we mentioned both extremes (Haggadas HaMalbim)

3) Until when do we say קריאת שמע
    Forever, even after Moshiach comes.

4) Why do we say קריאת שמע even after moshiach comes? 
    Because even though we will have bigger miracles by moshiach we still have to remember the miracles of Egypt which are compared to the miracles of moshiach will be smaller. This teaches us that anything good someone does for us—big or small---we must always remember.

5) After the story of Rabbi Elazar the son of Azariah it says בורך המקום which means “bless Hashem” but why is Hashem referred to as a מקום which means “place”? 
    Hashem is everywhere and in every place. That’s why Hashem is referred as aמקום “place”.

6) What is the point of reading Chad Gadya?
    To teach you that Hashem has plans for everything and everyone, and runs the world.

7) Why didn’t the Haggada bring the story of Haman and Amaleik? 
    The war of Amaleik has not ended and is still going on.

8) Why do we only have four cups? 
    The four cups stand for the four words of redemption,    והוצאתי (And I will take out), והצלתי (And I will save), וגאלתי (And I will redeem), ולקחתי (And I will took out)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2JiN9ZXK9HQr3lbCVt2uMhtR4QtpO2fXJ6KDBmbWVQ-Zc47eYgRc8HmErDPHPiGJckJoQdJLcb6EYKbDUmeE_-MCvcaM9t1QCrL350RVZbANNHnG7qEx5Qr9sTxt2h3SCFbUTG4HuTGo/s200/Passover+Plate+2.pngOrder of the Seder

 1. Recite the Kiddush-קדש
2. Washing the Hands-ורחץ
3. Eat a Green Vegetable-כרפס
4. Break the Middle Matzah and Hide Half of it for the Afikoman-יחץ
5. Recite the Passover Story-מגיד
6. Wash the Hand before the Meal-רחצה
7. Say the Hamotzi and the Special Blessing for the Matzah-מוציא מצה  
8. Eat the Bitter Herb-מרור
9. Eat the Bitter Herb and Matzah Together-כורך
10.   Serve the Festival Meal- שלחן עורך
11.   Eat the Afikoman- צפון
12.   Say the Grace after Meal- ברך
13.   Recite the Hallel- הלל
14.   Conclude the Seder- נרצה